Posted by: Jacqui Murray | 07/03/2014

Plebe Summer Care Packages: Here’s What to Send

Your Mid is permitted to receive packages of “Goodies” from home as often as you care to send them.  It is best to keep them on the small side (standard shoebox size) and send them more often.

We (past Plebe Summer parents) suggest the following items for almost any Mid…

For Plebe Summer…     No junk food !

  • Power Bars, Granola Bars, Dried Fruit
  • Water-packed Tuna (Pop-tops only)
  • Small Cans of Fruit or Applesauce (Pop-tops only)
  • Cup-o-Soup, Beef Jerky
  • Juice boxes
  • Rolls of quarters for the vending machines
  • Mole skin for blisters
  • Duct Tape (just because)
  • Bandages
  • Spray sunscreen
  • A Bar of their Favorite Soap
  • A small AMERICAN FLAG (4″ x 6″ with a small display stand)
  • Cleaning Supplies–White School Chalk to cover marks on White Uniforms
    Shout Wipes for stains, White-Out for quick toudh up on shoes
    Febreze (very important for Plebe Summer)

Re-package all items to make them as small as possible and make sure they are individually wrapped to allow quick and fuss-free, “grab-and-go” consumption.  The first care package should be packed in a resealable plastic container (shoebox size is best).  This will help in keeping all of their treats fresh throughout the year.

Your Mid’s first care package can actually be mailed via US Mail to your Mid at the Annapolis Post Office before you leave at the end of I-Day.  (Packages may not be left at Bancroft Hall on I-Day!)  UPS and Fed-Ex packages require that an Upper-classman accompany your Mid to the Pick-up area to retrieve the care packages.  This is a real hassle and unnecessarily brings your Mid’s care package to the attention of an Upper-class Detailer.  Not good. Use the US Mail !

The hot, humid summer is hard on things that must stay dry and crispy such as popped popcorn and crackers.  Also, avoid anything that needs refrigeration or microwaving.  While Microwaves may be available in the Company Ward Room, this is the hangout of Detailers and the less your Mid is in contact with Upper-classmen, the better.

Reprinted with permission from

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Jacqui Murray is the author of the popular Building a Midshipman, the story of her daughter’s journey from high school to United States Naval Academy. She is webmaster for six blogs, an Amazon Vine Voice book reviewer, a tech columnist for TeachHUB and Examiner.comEditorial Review Board member for ISTE’s Journal for Computing Teachers, and freelance journalist on tech ed topicsCurrently, she’s editing a thriller for her agent that should be out to publishers this summer. Contact Jacqui at her writing office, WordDreams, with questions.

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