Posted by: Jacqui Murray | 06/04/2024

June To Do List for USNA Applicants update update


Depending upon where you are in the process, you may have done some of the items on this list. Skip them. Be happy you’re done. Move on to the next:

First Steps:

If you’re serious about attending the USNA or any other military academy, buy a few books (or check them out of the library) on the process. It’s worth the investment in time and money because if you pursue this dream, you will be investing much more before achieving your goal. Better to make sure this is the direction you want to go.

Here are two books to get you started:

From the perspective of a woman who was accepted and how she accomplished it. Down-to earth, personal, definitely not dry, and should give confidence to any teen, male or female, considering a military academy their first choice college.

A general and useful overview of the USNA application and the academy in general

Seniors–Get a Passport

You’ll need one eventually, and sometimes, they take a while to get. Don’t run out of time. Get one now.

Seniors, Check your application status often

Permits to Report go out until I-Day. If you get one, notify the Admissions Office of your intention to accept or decline immediately. It’ll take through I-Day for all Permits to reach mailboxes. I’ve known seniors who didn’t hear until right before I-Day, so don’t give up. Check online to find out what’s missing from your application and rectify it. Check with your BGO, too. He’ll direct you to solutions for any shortfalls.

Juniors–Preliminary USNA Application Available

As of April 1st, the Preliminary Application to USNA (and probably the other military academies) is available on USNA website. It is quick, brief, nothing like the final document. If you’ve made the decision you want to go to USNA, fill it out. At that point, you’ll be in the system and you and the Naval Academy can determine if this is a good fit.

Juniors–request a Congressional Nomination Package

These are due in Fall, with interviews in November/December. Get one from your Congressperson and both Senators. Fill them out. Double check to see that everything is accurate.

Mail the packages to the Senators. Often, they do all of their selections via mail–no personal interviews.

For the Congressperson, hand carry it to them. When you drop it off, try to meet the aide responsible for this activity. Say hi, chat for a moment. S/he may remember you from the Academy Night, and will definitely remember you when you come in for the interview in November/December.

For more on the Congressional Nomination, check out these articles:

Juniors–Prepare for CFA

You can take this as soon as you have a candidate number. For information on the Candidate Fitness Assessment, click here and then here. This will be given during Summer Seminar. If you pass it, you’re done. If you don’t, you have until you submit your application to pass it. Check out what’s required (crunches, shuttle run, mile run, etc.) and make sure you’re prepared. It’ll feel good in July to have that out of the way.

Juniors–In NASS? Arrange Time Off School

By May, most of the military academy Summer Seminar programs are closed. If accepted, don’t worry if it ends up in the middle of finals or other big academic events. The Military wants to know you can get everything done in not enough time. Figure out how to make it work. Talk to teachers, guidance counselors, parents. Reschedule finals or big tests. Do whatever it takes to make it work. This is a good opportunity to show you are a leader with a take-charge attitude.

For more information on USNA Summer Seminar, read this post.

Soph/Frosh–Attend an Academy Night

These occur throughout the year, so keep your eyes open. They’re offered through the School District or your representative’s office. Check those websites to find out when you should go.

Check USNA Admissions Facebook page for regional forums.

Tour the Yard

Tour the Yard if you’re in Annapolis.

Take SAT and ACT

Take these as often as possible until you hit the score you need. There’s a trick to the test that you’ll figure out as you take it over and over. A lot of colleges offer a PSAT-type test for free. Take advantage of those opportunities. That’ll keep costs down and provide feedback on what you should work on.

Tour a warship

These tours are offered through your Blue and Gold officer or any number of other avenues. Find a tour. Take it. First and foremost, you want to be sure that a Naval Academy choice is right for you. Seeing how officers work on a Naval vessel is a good idea.

Create your list of college choices

Applications aren’t due until September (early apps) or November/December for the rest. Be prepared. This time, three months before the earliest decision, is the time to determine which colleges serve you best

Say hi to military reps who show up on your campus

Chat with them. Pick their brains. Find out what they can tell you about life in the military. It’s a different world and any way you can assure yourself it’s for you, do it.

Focus on your unique skill

With summer comes less academic work. A good time to get back in touch with whatever it is that sets you apart from others. Military academies like that side of you. They want to know you can do everything, not just academics and sports.

Be a leader

Wherever there’s an opportunity to be a leader, take it. The Military Academies want to see you as a proactive, can-do person, not a follower. Officers are the ones who make things happen and inspire the enlisted to do their best. Be that person.

Create your resume

List all of your activities, awards, community service. The best time to start this is as a freshman and keep it up to date throughout high school. It’ll remind you of all your accomplishments when you’re filling out applications and essays.

Here’s a sample (truncated to protect the applicant info), set up in Google Spreadsheet with a simple organization with columns and rows:

college app resume

Hone these critical skills

All USNA applicants and grads are leaders. If you’re not sure if you have enough of the leadership gene, check out these posts to see how to develop these traits:

Read Books

Check out the Marine Corps summer reading list

Continue Community Service

Most colleges want to know you give back to your community; Military Academies are no exception. Do as much as you can. Give as much of your time and labor as you can afford. No, it doesn’t mean you can do less in academics or sports. Figure out how to do it all. That’s the kind of person USNA, USAFA and all military academies like.

Are you a Future USNA Midshipman?

–taken from Building a Midshipman: How to Crack the United States Naval Academy Application

Jacqui Murray is the author of the popular Building a Midshipman, the story of her daughter’s journey from high school to United States Naval Academy, and the Naval thrillers, To Hunt a Sub and  Twenty-four DaysShe is also the author/editor of over a hundred books on integrating tech into education, adjunct professor of technology in education, webmaster for four blogs, an Amazon Vine Voice book reviewer,  and a freelance journalist on tech ed topics. You can find her books at her publisher’s website, Structured Learning.

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