Posted by: Jacqui Murray | 03/21/2014

USNA Weekly News

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Jacqui Murray wrote the popular Building a Midshipman, the story of her daughter’s journey from high school to United States Naval Academy. She is webmaster for six blogs, an Amazon Vine Voice book reviewer, a tech columnist for Examiner.comEditorial Review Board member for ISTE’s Journal for Computing Teachers, and a freelance journalist of tech ed topicsCurrently, she’s editing a military thriller that should be out to publishers this summer.


  1. Thanks for the great job each week to provide this link for us old USNA grads!

    I am not in touch with current USNA leadership, but if asked I would say that many of the sexual assalt problems at USNA would go away if drinking were still a Class A offense for Midshipmen, no matter if on campus or if after football games or on cruise. If you are on active duty 24 hours a day–no drinking anywhere, period! In my opinion, all those in 2012 who were found in the rented house off campus (which was illegal) should be given Class A offenses. The second recommendation that I would make is that no, repeat no, cars be allowed to be driven in the Annapolis area / on campus while a Midshipman. Drinking and driving can injure and kill! I hope that military conduct unbecoming a officer, still affects one’s class standing upon graduation.

    Duane Tollaksen, USNA Class of 1960 graduate . Navy line officer-submarines.


    • I sure agree with you. I’ll never forget being there for my daughter’s Commissioning and one of her Firstie classmates drank the night before and wrecked his car–on the Yard. No graduation for him. What a waste.

      I bet you have great memories of the subs. How long were you there?


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